You are currently viewing 5 key advantages of metal gates

5 key advantages of metal gates

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Metal gates can provide a wide range of benefits to any property. Some of these are obvious at first glance, such as their security value, whereas others are a little more subtle. Here at SL Wrought Iron, we have more than 30 years of experience in manufacturing and supplying metal gates and railings, giving us a wealth of knowledge about all the various ways in which metal gates can benefit your property, whether it’s a commercial site, a private residence, or anything in between.

1# – Metal gates can boost security

It makes sense for us to start with the most obvious one! Wrought iron gates are highly valued for the extra security they can provide. First and foremost, they serve as a solid physical barrier that makes it much harder for anyone to access the property without the proper authorisation. What’s more, most modern metal gates (including the type that we supply here at SL Wrought Iron) have highly secure locking systems, which can be operated either manually or automatically.

Plus, the ornamentation that’s present on most types of metal gates can make them particularly difficult to scale, even for those who summon the determination to do it. Even ornate detailing can give the gate that bit of extra height that can make it look all the more imposing, while points or spikes can make it nigh-on impossible to climb.

Of course, it’s incredibly rare that most prospective intruders get this far anyway – even the sight of metal gates can serve as an effective visual deterrent. Not only do they present a formidable physical barrier in their own right, but they also signal to all onlookers that you’re taking your security seriously. And since the majority of burglars are opportunists, there’s almost no better way to discourage them.

It’s also worth noting that metal driveway gates can also be useful in preventing anyone from using your property for unauthorised parking. It’s a lot less serious than the risk of theft, but it can undoubtedly be irritating, especially when it prevents you or your own visitors from being able to park your cars.

2# – Metal gates are highly durable and physically resilient

Of course, part of the reason why metal gates make for such an excellent security solution is because they’re very physically resilient. Not only does that make them tough to get through without keys, but it also means they can easily withstand the bumps and knocks that may be at risk from on a daily basis. And if you live on a busy street, and you’ve had property damaged before (whether accidentally or through deliberate vandalism), then the physical durability of your gates may well be quite high up on your list of priorities.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that as well as physical impacts, metal gates also stand up well to adverse weather too. (And let’s be honest, that’s an ever-present concern here in the UK!) When they’re properly treated and maintained, they’re very resilient against rust, you can rely on them to stand firm against high winds too – so you don’t have to worry about the basic security or safety of your property even in storms.

#3 – Metal gates are very easy to maintain

One of the many things that attracts lots of buyers to metal gates is that they can serve as an effective security solution that requires very little upkeep. Unlike wooden gates for example, which generally need treatment and fresh coats of paint on a regular basis, metal gates don’t have an intensive maintenance schedule that needs adhering to. Instead they just need to be washed down with warm soapy water a few times a year. They generally need painting occasionally too, but that’s only once every three years or so. They’re not quite fit-and-forget, but once they’re installed you won’t have to concern yourself with them for several months at a time.

(Of course though, we should say that if you ever do notice any issues with your metal gates that you’re not quite sure how to handle, don’t hesitate to give our experts a call here at SL Wrought Iron. We’re always happy to help however we can!)

#4 – Metal gates have a long operational lifespan

Due to their combination of physical durability and ease of maintenance, metal gates have a famously long operational lifespan. If they’re galvanised (which is exactly what we do with ours here at SL Wrought Iron), they’ll often last for well over 75 years.

When you consider that most people tend to stay in their houses for about 12 to 15 years or so, or that 75 years is significantly longer than most people’s careers, it means that whether you’re buying for a residential or commercial property, it’s safe to say that you won’t have to worry about replacing them for as long as you’re in the property – so you can carry on enjoying their benefits for as long as you like.

#5 – Metal gates have an impeccable sense of style

Beyond the practicalities, style might be one of the next most highly-valued advantages of metal gates. For some buyers, it may even be their top priority. We have a long history of designing and manufacturing metal gates for our customers here at SL Wrought Iron, and we’re proud to say we’ve come up with some truly beautiful designs in our time. Today, we’ve got an extensive range of options to choose from, so you’ll never be short of choices when it comes to picking the perfect set of metal gates for your own property.

If you’re a homeowner for example, we know you’ll want a set of gates that accurately reflects your own personal tastes, and fits with the kind of feel and atmosphere you’ve envisioned for your home, so that you can feel properly comfortable in it. (Plus, it’s worth bearing in mind that they have tangible kerb appeal; a well-maintained set of metal front gates can often have a notable impact on the price of your house, if you ever decide to sell. That can make them a useful long-term investment!)

If you’re a business on the other hand, a set of metal gates will serve as the very first impression that visitors get of your business, so it’s crucial that it projects the kind of image you want. It’s your first, invaluable chance to show them who you are as a company, and what you’re about – they can be useful in imbuing your business with a sense of authority, seriousness, and class.

You might want something grand and ornate, or relatively simple and understated, or something in between. Whatever you’ve got in mind – whether it’s a set of front gates, or a metal garden gate, or a metal side gate, or indeed any other type of gate here at SL Wrought Iron – rest assured we’ll have something to suit you!

We have over 30 years of experience to our name, and all of our products are handcrafted by talented experts right here in our Lancashire factory. You can choose from an expansive range of styles right here on our website, and we can even make bespoke products according to individual customer specifications!

Feel free to have a look around – or alternative, if you’ve got any questions or need any advice, don’t hesitate to give us a call on 01254 236994, and we’ll be happy to see how we can help.